Send rip to Handbrake and eject disc asynchronously.Determines if disc is Video, Data, or Audio.Once it completes a rip it ejects the disc for you and you can pop in another one. It runs on Linux, it’s completely headless and fully automatic requiring no interaction or manual input to complete its tasks (other than inserting the disk). Audio CD -> Rip and Encode to FLAC and Tag the files if possible.DVD / Blu-ray -> Rip with MakeMKV and Transcode with Handbrake.(Automatic Ripping Machine) detects the insertion of an optical disc, identifies the type of media, and autonomously performs the appropriate action: While functional, MakeMKV for Mac's lack of features and complex interface make it a viable option only for a limited number of experienced users.The A.R.M. In addition to conversion, users may also select a streaming option for the movies, but the function is not clear. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any options for output other than in MKV format, which is disappointing. In reading the DVD, the program took a little longer than other, similar programs, but worked well. In addition to discs, users can also work with video files. The program recognized the DVD in the optical drive and loaded options, which was a welcome feature. For experienced users, this would not be confusing, but the less sophisticated could use additional help. The program has a number of buttons for its different functions along a top row. Once MakeMKV for Mac started, there did not appear to be any dedicated instructions, although support for upgrades was present.

Installation was more complicated than expected and required us to accept a lengthy agreement disclaiming the developer's responsibility for any illegal use. It also states that downloading the latest version will reset this time limit. The program seems to be available as freeware, but its documentation states it is a beta version that will stop functioning after 60 days. MakeMKV for Mac performs this task well, but its lack of features and relatively complicated interface may make it a less desirable option for average users. The number of programs claiming to allow conversion of video files and DVDs makes choosing an appropriate one difficult.