Just like you would ask your friends to pray for you.Īlso, this is biblical. It's kind of silly on its face, isn't it? What did all the saints have in common? They followed Jesus. When we say prayers of intercession to saints like Mary and Joseph, we are not praying to them. Protestants always say we Catholics worship saints but that's just wrong. We honor her as the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. If you don't know how to pray the rosary, it's not difficult at all. Here is a site that tells you how to pray the rosary in Latin. And He wouldn't let me fall back asleep until I had it. And how the vices and gifts also map to the seven archangels and the days of the week and the seven energy centers of the body (I have another blog post on that coming soon).Īnyway, it was amazing how God showed all of it to me. The other night He actually woke me up at two in the morning to show me something: how the seven vices map to the seven gifts from the Holy Spirit, and how they do battle with the seven deadly sins. It's funny because oftentimes God will talk to me in the shower – that's another time I'm not talking or reading or watching something. I'm just open, and that's when God can communicate to me. I know this is true because when I pray the rosary, I am not thinking about all the things I have to do, or reading stuff on my phone, or watching a video or reading a book, etc. His exact words: "It's one of the only ways I can get a word in edgewise." Ha! When I asked God why He wants me to pray the rosary, He told me it allows Him to communicate with me easier. The rosary is a Christian prayer that dates back to the 3rd century. Hail Mary Photo by Alina Sofia / Unsplash How to Pray the Rosary in Latin In case you don't know the song Ave Maria, here it is:īlessed art thou among women, and blessed, As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I think that's why memes are so powerful and why we are currently fighting a "meme war". Reading helps you absorb information and learn, but imagery and art and music help you remember – they get to you on an emotional level which helps the information sink in. The same reason the Protestant reformers destroyed Catholic art. It's the same reason the communists topple statues. When we forget our history, we can no longer connect the dots. Took God and prayer out of the schools.And when I say public school, I mean government school. Turned Catholic and Christian schools into public school.This is how much the Deep State wants us to forget our history. This is just another trick our rulers played on us. But yeah, I had no idea.īut if you didn't know, don't feel stupid. I consider myself to be an intelligent, well-read person. I was today years old when I realized that the lyrics to Ave Maria are the same words you say when you pray the rosary.